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What you are looking for is already in you. 

You already are everything you are seeking.

-Thich Nhat Hanh-

Love without Otherness

Love Outpouring solidifies your undoubtable knowing that you ARE unconditional love by pointing you back to yourSelf, so to experience yourSelf directly and permanently. Once yourSelf is experienced it will dawn on you that since all you know is unconditional love, because all you know is yourSelf AS unconditional love, then by logical reduction, everything known that is ‘other than’ yourSelf (the entire manifestation of life) must also be unconditional love. This understanding collapses the separation between Self and ‘other than’ Self into One; One-love. 


Experiencing and innately-knowing this One-love AS yourSelf is known as Love without Otherness. When it's realized there is no ‘other than’ yourSelf, and that only love itSelf exists alone AS You, then the experience of Love without Otherness is witnessed. This leaves You incapable of hating, harming, and exploiting, i.e. You lose the ability to not love unconditionally. This is the epitome of unconditional compassion for yourSelf and anything ‘other than’ yourSelf, i.e. Humanity, Earth and Cosmos.

The experience of yourSelf AS Love without Otherness is a supreme ineludible experience, for regardless of what the manifestation of life is presenting itself as, either favorable or not, all that you inherently-know and understand is the manifestation’s underlying reality of unconditional love; yourSelf. The experience of Love without Otherness is beyond words; it is the utmost mysterious, yet oddly ordinary and familiar, witnessing of perplexing-wonder ever-imagined...and therefore, the primary goal of all sentient beings. 

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