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May God break your heart so completely that the whole world falls in.

-Mother Teresa-

You ARE Love

Love Outpouring nurtures you in remembering that you don’t have love, you never lost love, nor can you ever gain love…love can only be Self-realized that you, yourSelf, ARE love itSelf. Any object ‘other than’ yourSelf does not contain a property called love that you have to obtain outside yourSelf, then add to yourself, to experience whole-love. You aren't a ‘subject’ of love that has a love-void that can only be filled with an ‘object’ of love. There is no such thing as a subject-object love bond, love is only experienced in the absence of ego-attributes, leaving only a subject-subject experience that expresses itSelf as One-love. One-love IS love loving itSelf, You loving yourSelf. 





It is only in the absence of separation, a collapse in distance between you and other, subject and object, that it is realized that you ARE love. Love is the subject of itSelf…and you ARE that subject. When you ARE love, you ARE whole and complete as well. Therefore, due to your inherent wholeness and completeness, there is no room left in you for ‘other objects’ to fit within You, because You are full of love. This exemplifies what was expressed above; the permanent experience of Love without Otherness; the ultimate experience of life.

"If I love mySelf,  I love You. 

If I love You, I love mySelf." 


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