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A Letter Written by You.

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

This is a letter written by yourSelf, from yourSelf, through yourSelf, to yourSelf.


Remembering (verb): To bring an awareness of something that one has always known, yet has only appeared to have forgotten.

Hello My Dear,

You have written yourSelf this letter to remind yourSelf of ‘who You are’.

Simply put, You are unconditional love.

You are not the definition of love.

You are not the idea of love.

You are not some silly fabricated Hollywood unattainable love.

You are love is the fabric of your very existence.

You know this more intimately than your deepest relationships and thoughts, yet most likely You have forgotten.

This knowing of ‘who you are’ can’t get any closer to You.

In fact your love is so close, that even the concept of knowing your love, moves you away from it...that is how interwoven your love is.

Love IS yourSelf loving itSelf, yourSelf IS love loving itSelf.

You are it, You are is your very Being.

Perceive life from this loving-fabric and You will know happiness.

You, unconditional love, have beautiful qualities. You are boundless, whole, peaceful and complete...You have no lack. There is no before love, during love, or after is eternal and infinite, and therefore, so are You.

You, love itSelf, are like the sun that never stops shining.

Only when clouds roll in and temporarily block the sun's rays does it only seem the sun disappears, but in reality, the sun's rays never stop, they're only veiled.

This is like the love that lives AS You...your love’s rays are constantly present, they only sometimes seem to be veiled by negative unwanted thoughts and emotions, but once remembered you can access your love again and again and again.

Your love’s rays are forever available to rest into, like a mother coddling her new born child, ever-present and unconditionally accepting.

My dear, please do not get ‘who you are’ confused with ‘what you are’.

Who You are is unconditional love.

What You are is all of your authentic actions and expressions that arise out of your love.

Be it you are a craftsman, manager, mother/father, designer, husband/wife, teacher or artist...these are but a few examples of how your love can express itSelf.

What You are is like a free-spirited wave that arises out of an ocean of love. A wave is free to express itSelf, but never separate from its source.

Therefore your purpose in life is to ‘BE love’ and ‘share your love’ with the world.

There is no effort to serve your purpose. Only the willingness and courage to know yourSelf AS yourSelf.

In closing, this letter is a prompt, a tap on the shoulder, to remember to never forget; to never forget your origin of Being and to share what You find there.

You my dear, are granting yourSelf your own permission to be You and to transform the world with the love of yourSelf.

Sincerely, You

-Love Outpouring-

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